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All service-based companies need the cooperation of their client to ensure success for all parties involved. The audio visual and event production industry is no different! In fact, cooperation from the client is absolutely vital to the success of each event, though, more often than not, this is difficult to obtain.
In a recent interview, GigRent’s CEO Jordan Goodfellow, explains how many clients and partners in the event planning and production industry do not share all of the event information necessary to GigRent and/or other audio visual production companies. Most times this is done in an attempt to prevent anyone from stealing the information that they have.
“If I don’t have the right information, I can’t even deliver on what is expected, let alone try and steal from somebody else. I get frustrated when I ask for information and clients come back with, ‘Oh well, you know, we can figure it out,’ or, ‘I think it’s kind of like this.’ After these discussions, the first sentiment is commonly that… You want me to deliver on a job and you’re expecting me to deliver, but then not giving me all the proper information to actually execute on that vision.”
When you hire an audio visual production company like GigRent, the team is there to make sure your event is a hit. It’s important to share all relevant information so that the team is able to do each job to the best of their ability. We have no interest in stealing yours or anyone’s information, be it propriety or not. Our only goal is to make sure that each and every event is executed flawlessly.
Next time you seek out support for your event, know that production companies are there to help and support you, and want nothing more than to create an amazing production.
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