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Different Phases of Event Production in Denver CO

GigRent has all your audio visual equipment rental needs for Denver, CO. Our Denver AV equipment rental is exactly what you need to ensure your event runs smoothly and efficiently.

Event production is the most important part of every event. There are certain phases to take into consideration carefully for your event in Denver CO.

So, you’ve successfully completed your investigation process and due diligence, it’s time to start the real work for your event production. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s the most important part of your whole event and your checklist for this must be thoroughly detailed. After all, it’s the phase that allows you to identify your needs such as equipment, labor, services from event production companies in Denver Colorado, etcetera. The closer the event day gets the harder it to make changes. That’s why it’s important to plan everything beforehand and this guide contains the breakdown of the whole process. So, let’s dive into it.


Most people planning for their event consider that the contracts are part of the investigation process which is totally fine. But it’s better to consider contracts as commitments and keep your focus on scoping your event while investigating. It allows you to not only understand your project deeply but also helps you to determine what can be easily done and what is not included in the scope of your project. 

Moreover, before undergoing any contract whether it’s about outsourcing or hiring professionals from any event production agency in Denver Colorado, you must communicate everything clearly. Not only will it allow you to understand the services you’re getting but it will also keep you from all types of communication problems. If it’s your first time drafting a contract then we recommend you get help from legal counsel. The following are the most important parts of any event production contract that you should properly understand. 


Consideration is basically a general statement about the product or service provider (any event production agency in Denver CO) will offer. It also includes the information if any vendors, subcontractors, third parties are expected to provide services for your event.


It contains the specific details of the services that you’ll get from an event production company in Colorado. Moreover, it also includes information about the duration, payment requirements, pricing, and anything else being exchanged for the event.

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  • Acceptance

    It’s the last part of any contract that contains information about statements of understanding, dates, and signatures. It’s one of the most important parts of any contract that protects the interests of both parties. It ensures that both parties agree upon the details of services and pricing mentioned above to avoid all types of disputes. 

  • Preproduction

    Now that your contract with an event production company in Denver is legal, it’s time to jump into the process. It’s the second phase of any event production process that’s mostly done by the event production organizations. But it’s important to fully understand it in order to make sure that everything goes smoothly and seamlessly. It allows you to notice if anything is skimped or mishandled.

    In this phase, the event production company that you chose will figure out all the event logistics. It’s important to communicate all your needs to your partner and let the service provider ask as many questions as possible.

    The primary purpose of the preproduction phase is to get everything ready before the day of the event. Moreover, the event production organization in Denver Colorado will also curate a plan B in order to tackle new problems. The following are some of the most important specifics that are worth considering.

  • Building Order

    You’ll need to collaborate with your event production partner to finalize the order of the different parts. For example, the audio specialists will need some quiet time in order to check the operation and quality of sound. The lighting department will also need some time to ensure that all the important areas are properly illuminating. Your event production company in Colorado will need to design a detailed schedule to utilize the time in the best possible way. Otherwise, multiple teams will be sitting around wasting time that’ll reflect a bad image on the day of the event.

  • Calculate the Active Work Time

    Bear in mind that not each second must be active work time. That’s why it’s important to set a room-ready time to get everything perfectly ready. The chances of human error always increase when people are working in a hurry. Moreover, your working staff will also need breaks to keep their performance up to the mark.

  • Plan Strike/Load-Outs in Advance

    After the event starts, strike/load-out begins so quickly and it’s sometimes not possible to manage it on the go. Make sure that the event production company in Denver CO creates a detailed plan in advance. Most event day accidents take place during the strike when the event production service provider doesn’t have any plan.

  • Use Visualization Tools

    Being the event organizer, you must know everything about the jobs of all the departments from end-to-end. You can use visualization to keep track of the progress of all the teams working for your event. Moreover, you can also delegate some departments to your trusted employees to monitor. Make sure that you also keep in touch with your event production agency to make sure that everything is going as planned.

  • Getting Ready for the Big Day

    Once you’ve successfully completed the phases mentioned above the last and probably the most exciting and decisive phase is the event day. A great strategy to make sure that everything is in control is to use shop prep to label, group, and sort the equipment and other related things for easy identification. This strategy comes in handy especially if you are organizing an event that is going to take place in multiple spaces. It allows you to assemble everything perfectly ahead of time to ensure efficiency. Moreover, it’s also important to rehearse the schedule multiple times with your team members so that everyone remembers his/her part. 

    These are the three main phases regarding event production that you need to keep in mind to get ready for your event. 

  • Reasons to Hire the Event Production Company

    There are multiple reasons and benefits of hiring an experienced event production company in Denver CO for your event. Not only does it allow you to save money and time but it also keeps you from unnecessary stress. Moreover, an event production company in Colorado will offer modern and high-quality equipment such as TVs, LEDs, cameras, projectors, and A/V machinery. Here is a list of some of the most important advantages that you get by hiring an event production company in Denver CO.

  • Save Money and Time

    Most of the time it is more economical to get services from a professional event production company. That’s because great event production service providers will cover everything from end-to-end regarding the production side of your event. Moreover, there are tens of hundreds of event production companies available in Denver Colorado which makes the landscape competitive and thus the prices drop. In simple words, you can find all the required skills and talent about event production in a single place by partnering up with an event production organization. 

  • Professional Skills

    A skilled and experienced event production company has the capability to create the atmosphere that your event needs. That’s because it can adopt the image of your organization and relate to your specific audience as well. The professionals also know when to stay behind the scenes and when to communicate with the guests. Additionally, all you need to do is to describe your vision to them and it will be transformed into reality just the way you want. 

    An event production company in Denver CO not only understands the expectations, values, and tastes of your clients and guests. But it also approaches everything through efficient and excellent execution and management practices to ensures the success of your event 

  • Premium-Quality Equipment

    There is a range of equipment that the production side required for any event. Only an experienced event production organization in Colorado can offer all the related equipment such as audiovisuals, lighting, staging, etcetera. The premium-quality equipment with the latest technology is one of the biggest factors that you can’t ignore in this day and age.

  • Avoid Stress

    One of the best advantages of hiring an event production agency in Denver is that it keeps you from depression and unnecessary stress. That’s because you know when your event production is in skilled hands.

GIGRent Event Production in Denver CO

If you’re planning an event in Denver Colorado then consider contacting event production experts at GIGRent. It’s a single-stop place where you can get all the services that your event production needs. From equipment rental to the state-of-the-art streaming solution GIGTRent makes sure that your event executes with perfection. 


If you’re planning a virtual event then GIGStream is what your event needs. It’s a streaming platform that comes with a responsive, fast, and easy-to-use interface with excellent optimization algorithms. It means that regardless of the number of your guests this platform can stream your event like a charm. That’s because it can easily manage up to a staggering 5,000 people simultaneously. You can also schedule a demo today if you want to test GIGStream for your next hybrid or purely digital event.


If you’re planning a virtual event then GIGStream is what your event needs. It’s a streaming platform that comes with a responsive, fast, and easy-to-use interface with excellent optimization algorithms. It means that regardless of the number of your guests this platform can stream your event like a charm. That’s because it can easily manage up to a staggering 5,000 people simultaneously. You can also schedule a demo today if you want to test GIGStream for your next hybrid or purely digital event.

Other Services

Other than GIGStream, GIGRent also offers the most advanced and high-tech equipment such as cameras, projectors, LEDs, and other A/V tools. Not only can you rent the desired equipment but you can also hire professionals to install it for your event. Moreover, you can also get the desired equipment installed in your home or office if you need to improve your productivity and performance. Last but not least, you can also get all your queries and questions resolved and  answered respectively from GIGRent’s 24/7 live customer support.

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